Step 3 of 4: Send us your Building Application


How do I submit my application?

Email documents to in one email.

If your file is too large to send in one email, please use an online program such as google docs or OneDrive.

If you are unable to provide your documents digitally, a locked drop box is located outside the main doors of our office building.

What happens with my application?

  1. Pre-screening by Building Administrative Assistant
  • Initial review of documents to ensure all required paperwork has been submitted.
  • An email will be sent to the applicant with a building application number for tracking purposes.

2. Payment 

  • An email will be sent with amount owing and how to make payment. (see accepted payment methods on Property Taxes page)
  • Payment is require prior to obtaining your permit, breaking ground or any inspections.

3. Building Permit

  • An email will be sent with your building permit package for you to print and post onsite.

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