ACW MV-2024-11 Knight
Minor Variance Application MV-2024-11 Knight
The Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh provides planning services in conjunction with the Huron County Planning Department. To discuss any planning matters, please contact the Planner: Meghan Tydd-Hrynyk at or 519-524-8394 x 3281
The ACW Official Plan is a document that establishes the vision for the future of the Township and provides policy direction to manage future land use and growth. It determines how land can be used, what services are needed and when parts of the Township will grow.
The ACW Official Plan was first adopted in October 2003 and provides the framework for establishing land use planning policies that guide the growth of the Township.
The Zoning By-law was passed on June 3rd, 2008 under Section 34 of The Planning Act. It implements the Official Plan for the Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh which was adopted by the Council of the Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh on October 7, 2003.
The Zoning By-law comprises both text and zoning maps on which is delineated the various zones created in the By-law.
The purpose of this By-law is to provide the Corporation of the Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh with regulations which will affect control over all forms of land use or other related matters within the Township.
View the Zoning By-law (Consolidated) | By-law 32-2008 on our By-law page here:
Any questions pertaining to Zoning of your property or permitted uses, please contact the Building Administrative Assistant at
For Zoning changes or applying for applications please contact the Huron County Planner, Meghan Tydd-Hrynyk at or call 519-524-8394 extension 3281.
It is strongly recommended to contact the Planner and discuss your proposed development prior to completing an application form. We have found the pre-consultation process is essential in ensuring a smooth process for applicants.
A land severance is the authorized separation of a piece of land to form two new adjoining properties. This is commonly known as a land severance but more formally it’s called a consent.
For more information visit: Land Use Planning - Huron County
Additional resources available
Guide to Surplus Farm Residence Severances
If your proposed property change does not comply exactly to the zoning by-law, but follows its general intent, you can apply for a minor variance. For example, you may want to locate something on your property but the shape of your lot won’t let you meet the minimum setback distance.
For more information visit: Land Use Planning - Huron County
Additional resource available
Guide to Minor Variance Process
If you want to use your property or develop it in a way that conflicts with the County and/or local municipal Official Plans, you will need an Official Plan amendment. In this case, contact the Planning and Development Department as early as possible to discuss your needs.
For more information visit: Land Use Planning - Huron County
Additional resource available
Guide to the Official Plan Amendment Process
If you want to use or develop your property in a way that is not permitted by the Zoning By-law, you may have to apply for a zoning change, which is also known as a Zoning By-law amendment or a rezoning.
For more information visit: Land Use Planning - Huron County
Additional resource available
Guide to Zoning By-Law Amendment Process
For more information, please view the By-Law 10-2021 Site Plan Control
Minor Variance Application MV-2024-11 Knight
Decision Appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal