Wellington Street Improvements

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The Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh is moving forward with Phase 1a & 1b of the Port Albert Servicing Master Plan. This project includes roadway urbanization and storm sewer installation on Wellington Road between South Street and Russell Street. 

This project was approved as a part of the 2023 Budget. A tender was issued publicly and 12 companies requested the plans for the project. In July 2023 Township Staff alongside Township Engineers opened and reviewed the tender documents. 

The tender for construction was accepted at the July 18, 2023 Council Meeting. The Township will send all affected landowners a letter to advise them of the project going forward and attach the schedule of estimated costs that they will be required to pay for next year.

Activities included in this project:

  • Road reconstruction items including curb and base asphalt 
  • Storm Sewers
  • Culverts at the Port Albert Drain / Victoria St Drain
  • Topcoat Paving (in 2024)

Stay tuned to the Project Page for more information!